Saturday, May 27, 2006

That's me - yes, me - at HOLLYWOOD, being the model tourist. Squint to see the iconic signage.
Frankly, Hollywood is best viewed on the screen. Take away the clever camera angles and lighting, the make-up and expensive gowns, all that red carpet dazzle, and all you have left is a couple of blocks of famous buildings along a street that is only impressive if you unfocus your eyes, blank out the dowdy souvenir shops, lousy diners and the vulgar tourist trap atmosphere of the place, and think glossy Hollywood thoughts -
And that's just Highland Hollywood. A large part of Hollywood is a somewhat decrepit, sprawling town, indistinguishable from the rest of semi-urban Los Angeles. Or at least, the part I saw when I got off the subway at the wrong station and spent an hour wandering around lost with my roommate. You have to pay to see the homes of the rich and the famous, perched up high on the hills of Hollywood, away from the unwashed masses. No tales of celebrity spotting from me, I'm afraid. Besides, I'm so horrendous with faces that I probably wouldn't even recognise them anyway.
I actually find San Diego to be more appealing than LA. It has a cohesive, compact and aesthetically agreeable Downtown, beautiful weather and beaches, and is less... socially complicated. I can wander the city of San Diego in relative security, but I lack the street-smarts to tackle LA. The City of Angels has to be treated with respect and the utmost wariness, and is no place for a blundering tourist with the commonsense of roadkill. Like me.
[edit] If I don't screw up in The Biggest City in the World aka Tokyo and miss my flight, I am scheduled to arrive at Changi Terminal 2, 1:20am, May 31. The flight number is SQ 11. I am coming hooooooooome.
words were spilled on Saturday, May 27, 2006