Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Staying up till 4am has its benefits. You get to catch up on much-needed reading, revise essential concepts, tackle recalcitrant problem sets with renewed confidence, chat online with friends,
and finish the bloody homework with more ease than you would have thought possible. A cup of morning coffee effortlessly counteracts the side-effects, enabling you to keep up with classes; and best of all, you receive encouraging feedback about your problem set solutions from the TA during clinic, which really lifts the overall mood of gloom pervading the past few days.
The icing on the cake: the professor for my biotech in medicine class screens a highly entertaining (at least to me, and probably to the prof as well) excerpt from
The Voyage Home at the end of a lecture on peritoneal dialysis to illustrate where the future might take us wrt treatment of renal disease. And yes, it's Star Trek, and is also a movie that I've watched at least 4 times. Probably more. Still, it was good to see the old crew and their hijinks in a 20th century hospital again.
All's right with the world again, at least for now.
words were spilled on Wednesday, September 21, 2005