Friday, August 12, 2005
2 more weeks and inexorably counting down. So far, I've skipped 2 parties, missed most of the social gatherings organised by my fellow A*STAR scholars, and I
still haven't set foot in a club or a discotheque. I sent an email to my US roommate as soon as I got her name and she hasn't replied. Nightmares about my upcoming university life have been plaguing me insufferably. So - I'm feeling dismally asocial again.
In my case, such feelings usually come coupled with the desire to revisit neglected hobbies, dust off old fandoms, or watch DVDs till the brain overloads. Preferably all 3 at once. And so it happened that yesterday, while I was working on a watercolour painting as a teacher's day gift for my civics tutor (part of a class effort - I had wonderful people for classmates in JC), I had the inspiration to dig out the pieces that had accumulated at glacial pace over the years I've dabbled, on and off, in dilettante art. Various botanical sketches, pen drawings, a (failed) oil pastel experiment, some embarrassingly incompetent watercolours, a perspective study of a HDB common corridor done in Chinese black ink. The latest was a pencil sketch I did one humid afternoon in Sichuan (trapped at a Leshan teahouse with a devout tour guide who, oblivious to the glazed expressions around her, kept up a steady and long-winded lecture about Buddhism):
When I'm bored and away from the pleasures of my computer, I doodle, scribble rants about nothing in particular, or make lists in an attempt to organise my life better. But with a mere 2 weeks left, I really ought to be doing something less... aimless, I think.
words were spilled on Friday, August 12, 2005