Wednesday, January 10, 2007
After 19 days of happily gallivanting around Old Europe - England, Brussels, Amsterdam - in oppressively joyless weather conditions, I'm back once again to the New World, where morning doesn't skip over daylight to meld into twilight and the thermometer actually dips below zero like it ought to, even though winter is turning out to be ridiculously mild and some trees are already breaking out in a confused display of spring flowers. Still, there's something to be said for low expectations: being resigned to bad weather makes the occasional spot of glorious sunshine an Event for euphoric celebration.
Erm, yes I know I wasn't much of a travel reporter - aside from a very laconic-verging-on-uninformative photo post the update count was nil, but I plead lack of internet connection (which isn't entirely true - take a look at my fellow traveller Yuhui's blog for an excellent example of what a more energetic and internet-addicted mind can accomplish given the same resources).
I shall post something more substantial up eventually, once I get all my photos sorted out. Meanwhile, I have GREs, research and preparatory biochemistry reading to contemplate.
words were spilled on Wednesday, January 10, 2007