Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Finals are getting way too close for comfort, and despite not having a life for the whole of this semester, academic preparedness is at an all-time low. The magical formula for time management continues to elude my best efforts, I have enough sleep but even that fails to make my waking hours more productive, I am mortally afraid of dozing off so I do caffeine gratuitiously (to diminishing effect). All the classes that matter are going to merry, merry hell and taking me along with them.
I urgently need to kick my brain into action and I need to believe that I'm not already that sluggish and stupid at the grand old age of 20. But right now things aren't looking good.
words were spilled on Wednesday, November 29, 2006
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Friday, November 17, 2006

The sun broke through the clouds for about an hour in the afternoon, so I managed to snag photos of, uh, mostly dying leaves. Lots and lots of dying leaves.
There's a thunderstorm going on outside right now. You have no idea how much it thrills me to see a proper thunder-and-lightning storm again.
words were spilled on Friday, November 17, 2006
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I have fallen on the wrong side of the academic code, apparently, for cheating, or rather, being an accessory to cheating. All I had to do was to lend my physics problem set, like a trusting fool, to a friend who then faithfully copied everything
without my consent, because she was in too much of a 'hurry' to formulate her own solutions.
As if this semester weren't enough of a crumbling ruin already.
Now I have to talk to my professor and hope like hell he would be the forgiving sort. And there's the classic moral dilemma: should I tell the truth (which is to protest my innocence and point the mean, accusatory finger) or should we collaborate on a cover story that might present the situation in a better, if entirely distorted, light? Because, you know, friends don't grow on trees (especially not here), she's still a genuinely nice person and to be human is to err, etc.?
On the other hand I don't especially relish the thought of adding academic disciplinary action to the list of things I routinely worry about.
Thank goodness for Howard Shore and the
Two Towers soundtrack set that came in the mail today.
words were spilled on Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
words were spilled on Sunday, November 12, 2006
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
After burning out brain cells on immuno, I seem to have temporarily lost the ability to do physics, which is not a good thing with the midterm one hour away.
Curse. Mutter.
words were spilled on Wednesday, November 08, 2006
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Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Somehow, life seems to be lacking in something when dinner consists of soy yoghurt.
Well, at least it was vanilla flavoured. And I
did have pad thai for lunch.
Looking forward to catching the sunrise - it's a lovely sight.
words were spilled on Tuesday, November 07, 2006
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Saturday, November 04, 2006
Immunology is an incomprehensible mass of arbitrary gibberish. I'm trying to make my way through a chapter that reads something like this:
'C3bBb generated in the alternative pathway can activate unhydrolysed C3 to produce more C3b autocatalytically... the C3 convertase activity of C3bBb generates the C3bBb3b complex, which exhibits C5 convertase activity... the nonenzymatic C3b component binds C5, and the Bb component subsequently hydrolyses the bound C5 to generate C5a and C4b.' etc. etc.
It's actually pretty clear, I concede, but pure hell to memorise. I'm so screwed for Wednesday's midterm double-bill.
Once again, I've chosen to eschew evening social activities, but to be fair, I
have been productively procrastinating all day. I didn't have to attend a symposium on China-Taiwan issues, for instance, but I did. I'm not regretting that decision - yet. But if immunology continues to be obstinate, I just might.
[edit] Ah yes, just what I need to keep me awake: potheads downstairs having some merry late-night garage band practice. Nice to know that there are people enjoying themselves in these bleak and desperate times.
words were spilled on Saturday, November 04, 2006
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Thursday, November 02, 2006
I know this is complete crack (seeing that I'm not American), but...
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Northeast Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak. |
The Midland | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
Boston | |
The West | |
The South | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
I'm on midterm rebound and unwisely staying up late because I'm too awake to sleep. Watch for the crash tomorrow.
words were spilled on Thursday, November 02, 2006
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