Monday, June 19, 2006
Forgot to mention something important: I can still be reached at my old hand phone number. So, feel free. :)
words were spilled on Monday, June 19, 2006
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Saturday, June 17, 2006
For your amusement, here's a little something I noticed during my all-too-brief stay in Tokyo:
And zooming out, we see one of the designated 'smoking areas' scattered all over Tokyo, which
people actually use:
I've just concluded a protracted and massive photo upload on Flickr. And because I'm too lazy to post a lengthy travelogue, I shall just settle for that. : )
I know I tend to seem to disappear off the face of the earth sometimes. So, a quick update:
My 8-week attachment is into its first week, and so far I'm managing despite my inherent clumsiness, propensity to doze off during impenetrable lab meetings, and embarrassing ignorance of lab techniques. Interestingly, I'm learning more than just science and lab work, but this is not the place for that discussion.
Battling Netflix withdrawal, I got a Hollywood Clicks subscription, and promptly despaired at the inferior catalogue and ridiculous prices. Oh well. Another thing to add to the general creeping dissatisfaction that has been affecting me lately.
My grandmother passed away just 2 days after my return. It came as a traumatic shock to the whole family - nobody expected it, not least of which the way it happened.
words were spilled on Saturday, June 17, 2006
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