Friday, April 15, 2005
"Most people... are led by instinct to satisfy the basics. What they don't realise is that if you don't ask [yourself], other people will answer for you, and then you never discover who you are."Words of wisdom from an obscure cult fiction character... but that's beside the point. The point is, despite my lacklustre, half-hearted performance for both the first round interview and the assessment centre activities, A*Star has seen fit to grant me an audience with Mr. Chairman-of-A*Star himself in the final round interview. I'm not sure what to feel. I'd been hoping that greater powers beyond my control would cooperate, but it seems as though they are refusing to grant me the easy way out of making my own decisions.
Ah well. During one of my interviews this week (specifics will not be given because paranoia is always prudent) I managed to pull off a truly successful lie. And by that I don't mean the routine sort of carefully prepared embellishments one usually serves out to interviewers. When posed a particularly difficult question, I latched onto a half-truth, modified it, outfitted it with a touch of evasion, and slipped the finished lie past their probes, all the while sincerely convinced that I was telling the truth. I could have passed a polygraph test with that one. It's so much easier to lie when there is some truth in the lie - the details fall in place much more effortlessly because they already exist and do not need to be fabricated out of thin air. All that is required is a slight twist of interpretation... and fervent belief in the resulting concoction.
Of course, truly accomplished liars do not require that kind of aid. But I'm a lousy liar, so for that interview, when I realised what I had pulled off, I was unapologetically exhilarated.
words were spilled on Friday, April 15, 2005