Thursday, April 22, 2004
Gave out nomination forms today during Photog. The relentless passage of time is beginning to sink in. In a few weeks' time there'd be interviews, then elections, then investiture and handing over.
As much as I welcome the relief from the strain and angst and headache of CCA leadership, uncountable disasters and spectacular screw-ups, frustration with bureaucracy and self-doubt over many, many things - I'll still miss Photog. Even if my term was one big screw-up, I'll still be sorely reluctant to let it go. I've grown rather attached to it.
One comforting thought: we have a few J1s whose passion and skill for photography outstrip ours. There's talent, certainly.
One not-so-comforting thought: to be frank, we haven't done much to inspire the others. Big Fat Failure No. 1.
Shan't elaborate on the rest, must focus on positive thoughts, must focus on Tasks At Hand. To bed! To bed!
words were spilled on Thursday, April 22, 2004