Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Haven't blogged for absolute ages... for good reason. The dreaded 'P' word is approximately half a day away, and at this juncture I feel the sudden need to waste some time soothing myself.
While reading the model essays from this year's GP block test, a sense of Utter Inadequacy barged in uninvited. It can be quite depressing to see brilliant, lucid, well-crafted essays coming from your peers, many of whom you have known since secondary school, and be hopelessly lost in admiration of those argumentative gems - while being all-too-aware of the sheer uninspired mechanicality of your own work. Frustration comes into play when you realise that this is the way you have always written and will continue to write: boring, unimaginative, devoid of style, with laboured substance. It's a good thing I chose the Sciences route, when all I have to worry about is memorising facts and formulae, calculation and regurgitation. I would never have survived in Humans.
My GP has taken a turn for the worse lately, and as per usual, I haven't been doing much to remedy that. Hope tomorrow's paper won't kill me too badly.
I have nothing to say about Econs.
No, correction, I have
lots to say about Econs, but for the sake of public decency I shan't say them here. It ranks up there with Higher Chinese on my list of 'Subjects that Irritate Me the Most'.
It's a huge test of patience and willpower whenever I have to
steel myself to study Econs. Unfortunately I don't have much of either, so good luck to me for tomorrow's essay paper. Shall cross my fingers and hope that I don't flunk.
My mind's floating among academic debris at the moment, savouring the last few moments of suspended reality stasis before panic hits me in the face ... later.
words were spilled on Tuesday, October 07, 2003