Tuesday, September 16, 2003
This will be quick, I promise myself
Urgh. RIAS is working with the ISPs here to take action against illegal file-sharing, though it hasn't done anything too
drastic yet, i.e. filing lawsuits. But the ISPs send out warning letters to identified users, and Singnet 'declined' to give figures. Being a paranoid SingNet broadband subscriber, I don't feel all too comfortable with that.
Is it normal for only 24% of system resources to be free even when you are just running Windows Explorer? I can never bring myself to trust this stupid computer of mine. Till yesterday, the CPU kept prematurely clocking out. It's stopped, thank goodness, but the blue screen keeps popping up to annoy me now.
For all those who know and love 'Lord of the Flies' (Darkness of Man's Heart
TM - yes, you),
this should be of interest to you: the Stanford Prison Experiment, supposedly to study the 'psychology of imprisonment'. It's disturbing. Chilling, I could say. The similarities are uncanny and what's worse, it isn't a novel.
Back to hit the books...
words were spilled on Tuesday, September 16, 2003