Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Mood: Harried
Music: Tchaikovsky- 1819 Overture
I'm once again on a stimulant-induced high. And what's worst is that I didn't even mean for it to turn out this way. I thought that a cup of tea won't do any harm, but I failed to realise that even a small amount of caffeine could exert potent effects when coupled with things like:
1) Attempting Chemical Equilibria using the calculator function on my handphone, because the real calculator's batteries went flat. My calculator has got something against Chemistry. It failed me during Chem practical Prelims last year too. /glares/
2) Listening to hyper
1000active techno/rock music while slogging away at (1)
3) ExCo stuff.
4) Mrs Foo's 2-hr Bio Olympiad cram session on Animal Physiology. Well, just on the circulatory and endocrine system actually, but the lecture on heart function wasn't doing any wonders for mine. My sympathetic nerves and adrenal glands went into overdrive as my poor abused brain tried to assimilate all that information. Mrs Foo's impromptu questions kept me on the edge; I didn't dare to let my attention slip for even a single moment, lest I found myself in the horribly uncomfortable position of having to ask, "I'm sorry, but could you please repeat that question?" It was nerve-wracking.
I could have sworn I detected angina. Think I'll die young of stress-related ailments.
Watched 'Singapore's Brainiest Kid' just now. It only managed to get me more excited. Ooookay, I realise that I'm kind of overaged for that show, but still... :-) Felt rather pleased with myself when I could answer that question on Yehudi Menuhin correctly. I'm a classical music connoisseur... as if.
I was determinedly staying away from overly exciting music, but I forgot that "1819" is by no means a quiet relaxing piece. Ah well.
words were spilled on Tuesday, August 12, 2003