Sunday, August 10, 2003
I've neglected this blog for so long that when I finally returned to it just now I decided that an update was not enough, so I looked up some basic HTML tutorials. Hey, it's never too late to make up for all those times during Computer Studies in RGS when I wasn't paying attention.
As a result, you now see
really annoying dastardly acts of HTML coding like:
I shall nauseate everyone with tasteless HTML and extensive use of evil tags. Bwahahaha.
Last Saturday, I abandoned homework to watch the NDP celebrations on TV. I was feeling all proud and patriotic... and then my sister mentioned Animal Farm and Spontaneous Demonstrations. The nationalistic mood still persisted, nevertheless. I think all that choir NDP singing got to me. I actually enjoyed this year's National Day more than last year's. It's heartening to know people who genuinely love Singapore, even if I'm something of a cynic after 2 years of Social Studies.
Things are looking encouraging on the PW front for now, after Friday's immensely successful interview with Dr. Lockhart, wonderful guy that he is (a pity I don't intend to study History at NUS, I'd love to have him teach me). The mental fog I've had about our topic has dispelled to some extent - about time too, considering that first report draft is due this Friday. Events are rapidly accelerating towards the horrors of October. The nagging sense of repressed urgency irks me.
I've been experimenting with my dad's collection of camera filters, taking pictures of whatever's convenient. Unfortunately, in many cases the most convenient subject is my... ahem... aesthetically-unappealing sister. Hopefully I'd be able to finish my roll of film before Tuesday so that I can get it developed by Wednesday so that I can carry out the Huayun shoot properly on Thursday... eeks. I operate on a tight schedule. And I haven't even studied 'romantic' photography in any detail yet; apart from some vague concepts what I know can hardly be considered beyond layman. Nevermind, PS has better experts. We can't screw up
too badly. Or else I might snap out of my recent high spirits and throw another fit. [Yes, I have been in a fairly good mood, which explains the lack of moaning this time round.]
Besides photography, the weekend was mostly spent in fangirl heaven. I'm still suffering from the after-effects. Excuse me while I go squeal in somewhere more private.
words were spilled on Sunday, August 10, 2003