Thursday, July 17, 2003
Long post. Long, long post. Scram if you don't want to sit through the whole thing.
I've gone and linked to Jean and Judith /hooray/ but I'm feeling kind of insecure (again) about progressing further and making this blog known to more people. Especially since I haven't quite made up my mind about what exactly to post on this blog.
Does that sound stupid? It feels as though every step is painfully self-conscious; I'm quite aware of the damaging effects of posting overly personal details or revealing too much to too many people. Or, of embarrassing myself in ways I'm not aware of until it's too late. Alternatively, I could choose to go annoyingly cryptic and confuse the heck out of everyone. /smiles/
Oh, but then what would be the point. I'd always have somewhere more private to stow that kind of stuff, some document that will most assuredly never see the light of day while I'm still alive (not that I'd suggest to anyone that it's a situation to rectify :) and susceptible to humiliation.
Why do people keep blogs? Why do people read blogs? Everyone has his or her own reasons for doing so, I suppose.
In my case, I was introduced to the world of blogging not by my friends, but, strangely enough, by a bunch of total strangers who don't even know I exist. (I am, for those who'd understand, referring to an exclusive and eccentric little subculture known as Rabid Anime Fangirlism ^^;;) Oh of course, I had long since known that there was such a thing as a 'blog' or 'online journal', but the concept didn't really interest me until I discovered that blogs and livejournals were a wonderful sources of interesting raves and rants and furthermore, a great form of vicarious social interaction. Yes, I'm serious. In fact, I probably know more about these crazy fangirls (or women, in most cases) than I do about some of my classmates. And I can relate better to them too, in a funny sort of way, even though they hail from places as far-flung as the US and Finland. Confession: I read blogs primarily for the thrill of voyeurism and because I'm bad at learning more about people through direct interaction. I have a dysfunctional social life.
Actually, even after I officially (and regularly) started reading other people's blogs, I continued to resist the idea of starting my own, because I already do this sort of thing on a regular basis privately. (Staying up late at night in the process and sacrificing sleep and homework, but never you mind) And besides, I wasn't too sure anyone would be very much interested in reading what I had to say. But... blogs are such personalised things, aren't they? Concepts of 'what a blog should be like' vary from person to person, and who's to say who's wrong, really?
So... /shrugs/ due to that and some thrill of novelty, here I am. Taking time off from tutorials as usual.
By the way, is anyone curious about who Banscylla is? She's me, but not quite...
words were spilled on Thursday, July 17, 2003